Exclusive Interview: How 24-year-old Alexandr Wang grew Scale AI into a $3.5 billion powerhouse Alexandr Wang spoke about how he built an AI unicorn in only three years, and why machine learning will be as ubiquitous as coding. Ivan De Luce 3.31.21 4:00 PM People
Apple hiring for Siri at an all-time high with focus on studying customers' voice files Despite coming under fire for listening in on customers' conversations, Apple hiring indicates that the company will continue to listen to help Siri get smarter. Joshua Fruhlinger 8.29.19 2:30 PM Tech
Hiring data indicates that Apple is building a deep learning AI team Titles with the term "deep learning" are on the rise at the Cupertino tech giant. Joshua Fruhlinger 8.14.18 5:11 PM People
A brief history of why Martin Shkreli got banned from Twitter The following is an excerpt from SMIRK, a memoir of journalist Christie Smythe's unusual relationship with "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli. It should be viewed as opinion. You can read more at www.smirk-book.com. Christie Smythe 11.23.22 12:25 AM Outcasts
Twitter is building a "Media Understanding" group that will use machine learning to cut troublesome content With a focus on machine learning experts, Twitter is hiring aggressively to create tools designed to moderate discussion on the social network. Joshua Fruhlinger 7.26.18 4:46 PM Tech
Is $50 million ICO startup Neuromation manipulating its usage numbers? A proudly touted engagement number on the blockchain startup's homepage appears be machine-generated as well as possibly manipulated around the time of a writeup in Wired. Joshua Fruhlinger 6.12.18 12:58 PM Innovation