Juul's following was going up in smoke before the layoffs - data shows months of struggling Months of stalled hiring and slowed social engagement suggests Juul's problems could only be beginning. Jon Marino 5.1.20 10:00 AM Innovation
Juul job postings continue to fall amidst CEO's plans to leave the company The company’s new management will determine whether Juul will go up in smoke. Julia Gray 3.13.20 9:13 PM Innovation
Juul labs fails to rise from its own ashes, scrambles to hire "Youth Prevention" pros The lesson here is to just not smoke or vape. It's bad for you. Stop it. Joshua Fruhlinger 1.17.20 5:00 PM Innovation
A brief history of why Martin Shkreli got banned from Twitter The following is an excerpt from SMIRK, a memoir of journalist Christie Smythe's unusual relationship with "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli. It should be viewed as opinion. You can read more at www.smirk-book.com. Christie Smythe 11.23.22 12:25 AM Outcasts
Juul job postings tumble 90% as vape king slashes headcount All that growth, now up in smoke. Jon Marino 11.12.19 2:23 PM Innovation
Juul slashes hiring by 62.5% as big layoffs loom After more than a year of exponential growth, e-cigarette giant Juul is cutting jobs, both through layoffs and hiring. Joshua Fruhlinger 10.29.19 3:34 PM Markets
Tides turn on e-cigarettes: Juul hiring down 37% and workforce growth stalls What was once the fastest growing company in the vaping space is now showing early signs of contraction. Joshua Fruhlinger 10.10.19 2:46 PM Markets
"Repulsive," "reptilian," "diseased": What John D. Rockefeller had in common with Martin Shkreli The following is an excerpt from SMIRK, a memoir of journalist Christie Smythe's unusual relationship with "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli. It should be viewed as opinion. You can read more at www.smirk-book.com. Christie Smythe 11.20.22 5:13 PM Features