There are two children's books playing in the top-10 sales rankings at Amazon right now, and they're both about a rabbit called Marlon Bundo.

The first, and original, is a book called Marlon Bundo's Day in the Life of the Vice President. Penned by Vice President Mike Pence's daugher Charlotte Pence and illustrated by second lady Karen Pence, it's about a rabbit who gets to fly on Air Force 2 and live a life of political celebrity. It's a nice way to show children a little something about life in government.

The second, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents a Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo, is a book penned by Jill Twiss and funded by TV personality John Oliver. It'a also about a rabbit called Marlon Bundo who lives with Vice President Mike Pence.

But in the latter story, Marlon doesn't just fly around in a jet and post selfies to Instagram. Instead, he falls in love with another boy rabbit and learns that being different is okay.

The John Oliver iteration of the Marlon Bundo story is sold out and currently in the #1 best-selling spot on Amazon, never having left the spot since becoming available for ordering. The Pence's version launched at spot 15, has moved up to an impressive 4th spot, and currently available to order.

Here's the chart for the past couple days since the books have been available (don't worry, we'll update it as the sales continue to come in):

Oliver's book was released alongside the Pence book as a way to raise awareness and, perhaps even more important given its healthy sales, raise money for The Trevor Project and AIDS United.

As for Charlotte Pence's reaction to the whole thing, she's taking it well, telling Fox Business Network that "[Oliver's] book is contributing to charities that I think we can all get behind... I'm all for it."