Eight startup CEOs to watch for in 2021 We examined the CEOs of top startups who saw huge growth in the markets or are planning to make their public debuts next year, including Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield and Shopify CEO Tobias Lutke. Ivan De Luce 12.23.20 12:00 PM People
Bob Iger steps down as Disney CEO, theme park data takes a hit The new CEO is another white dude named Bob. Jared Russo 2.26.20 6:08 PM Markets
See the data behind some of 2019's biggest CEO departures 2019 saw more CEOs deposed than most years - and we've got the opportunity to look at examples of the worst leadership, biggest investigations and ugliest breakups through the data each executive's company generated. Jon Marino 12.31.19 11:00 AM Innovation
A brief history of why Martin Shkreli got banned from Twitter The following is an excerpt from SMIRK, a memoir of journalist Christie Smythe's unusual relationship with "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli. It should be viewed as opinion. You can read more at www.smirk-book.com. Christie Smythe 11.23.22 12:25 AM Outcasts
Wells Fargo has a new CEO, and he has a morale problem to fix Wells Fargo's past two CEOs have failed to curb issues that have now become a morale challenge for its latest leader. Jon Marino 9.27.19 2:53 PM Markets