We Americans love our burgers. We also love arguing about our burgers, especially when it comes to the two niche chains often considered to be the top of the heap: In-N-Out ($PRIVATE:PRIV_INNOUTBURGER) and Shake Shack ($SHAK).

It's widely known that In-N-Out is a west-coast affair with no plans to move anywhere east of Texas. Shake Shack, however, which began as a one-off in New York City's Madison Square Park, has ventured west.

But as of today, when mapped, the two brands look more like a Dodgers vs. Yankees fan map than a simple burger chain location comparison.

Click on the maps for a larger view.

Shake Shack and In-N-Out locations throughout the US

A closer look at the northeast reveals Shake Shack's concentration in the New York area with a smattering in DC.

You won't find an In-N-Out in the Northeast

In the LA area, In-N-Out is well established. But if you squint your eyes (or click for a larger version), you'll see a few Shake Shacks making their presence known.

Shake Shack has made a minor appearance in the LA area

And with that on this muggy Thursday (we're in New York, home of Shake Shack), we'll head off to order some lunch.

Side note: The above maps are based on data for 347 In-N-Out stores and 178 Shake Shacks.