Happy Thursday!

Percentages are certainly top of mind this morning after some major financial news yesterday, so today we're looking at three percentages you should know.


The new Federal Reserve benchmark funds rate as of yesterday. Despite President Donald Trump's tweets against another rate hike, the Federal Reserve raised the interest rate by a quarter of a percent. It also lowered 2019 interest rate hike projections to just two.


The percentage of MLB, NFL, NBA, and NHL stadiums that had half or more of their food service outlets (i.e. hot dog stands, restaurants, etc.) with high-level health inspection violations, according to a recent ESPN Outside the Lines report. Yankee Stadium ranks just outside the top-5 worst venues by percentage of vendors with recent high-level violations, and is the worst-ranked ballpark out of every single one in America.


The percentage of New Yorkers who would prefer to be greeted with "Merry Christmas" during the holiday season as opposed to "Happy Holidays" (41%), according to new poll results from Sienna College. A Pew Research poll from 2017 said that most Americans don't have a preference of how stores greet customers for the holidays though, so don't call this a new development in the "War on Christmas" just yet.