Good morning! Another week means another Numbers You Need to Know.

Here's what we were thinking about over the weekend (outside of preparing for Christmas next week):


The National University Ranking for Princeton University, the alma mater of both of Thinknum's cofounders, on U.S. News and Reports. Just to show how dominant Princeton has been over the past half decade, Reddit user Ivy Academic Coach plotted the rankings of 25 elite universities over time.


The percentage of Americans who feel "worn out by the amount of news," according to a Pew Research study conducted earlier this year. Given that we're towards the end of a newsworthy 2018, it's worthy bringing up this study, as well as a few others Pew Research did throughout the year.


The percentage increase in lookups that the word "justice" received in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Merriam-Webster named the noun as the word of 2018.